
Published on 11 August 2024 at 13:09

I got to thinking, 


That One day~


One day, you will wake up and realize you are deserving of the love you weren’t given. 


One day, you’ll wake up and realize that all the pain that once held you back isn’t as heavy as before. 


One day, you will understand what they meant by saying ‘you have so much life left to live’. 


One day, you will wake up and realize-


One day- 


Or it could be today




Sometimes we focus so much on the things that are wrong with right now- that we aren’t here to focus on what is right in front of us. You might be thinking, guilty as charged, and I would agree with you. I have spent so long wondering about the things I don’t have, or have yet to experience, that I take for granted the life I have right now, ignoring the growth that has occurred throughout all the changes in my life. 


So, if you are reading this, and have felt a similar stirring inside; that impatience for what is to come and the longing for more… just remember that one day you will look back and miss what was right now. The beauty of the trees so green, before the changing colors of autumn take hold. A cold wind is beginning to blow, and soon we will miss the warmth of the sun and the burn on our shoulders.


      In that case, 

           look outward at all the things that surround you now. 


A messy bed from the deep sleep of my sister next to me, the poster of Ken on the wall opposite, a wooden desk full to the brim of crystals and unlit candles waiting for that flam to spark them back to life. Those are the things around me, in my childhood room that’s walls have changed color, a new sense of longing for those old yellow ones that looked down on a little girl full of hope for the future. What she didn’t know still looming, but a smile so bright it didn’t falter unless her knee was skinned while learning to ride a bike for the first time or at the end of a sad movie where the dog dies. 


So far a lot has changed, some for the worst and some for the better. It’s all subject to perspective, something I’m still learning to accept, something I’m still learning to appreciate. Sometimes I have to remind myself that the sun will still rise tomorrow, and all the bad now is temporary, making way for the good that is to come. 


If you are sitting and reading this, and you feel like you too have experienced such a thing, then just remember to turn on the light in the dark, 


     and remember that one day you will wake up, 

                 and that maybe, 

                              [just maybe]      that one day is today.

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