About The Creators


Welcome to Undiagnosed--


As you probably already know (if not that's ok!), this is 'Undiagnosed'. A literary and blog style website for everything and anything one could think of. As an individual who has struggled with mental health, personal identity, and overall navigating life on this floating rock called Earth- I decided to start a blog. 

Hi, my name is Lee, and I'm a broke college student working on this little start up project. In March of 2023 I sat down to begin this journey, with the goal in mind to be honest with everyone about life, my anxieties, classes/college life, following my passions, exploring, and more. It's funny, considering this was more of a venting site for myself as a creative, but the more I learn about myself, the more I'm starting to figure out about where I want my life to start heading.

In saying that, here's a little about me:

In my senior year of high school, I was diagnosed with depression. It was right before my graduation, and on the day of my final senior meet. I thought I was fine, at least I showed the world I was fine on the outside, but on the inside, I was slowly breaking bit by bit. It was too much for me to get out of bed in the morning, and with my own self-identity in the mixes of that while growing up in a small town, it just wasn't my year. After starting college, and after one hell of a fucking year (pardon my French), I can finally say I'm begging to find my purpose again. It was never really gone, but I just couldn't see it for a long time. Now, I'm finding that I can take my passions, my interests, and turn it into the career I wanted-- to help people and write. I would love to work for a literary magazine, publishing people's work, adding to the voices against hate, and make sure that there aren't other individuals out there that feel as alone as I did. 

That's why I'm here. 

To make sure you, our readers, don't feel so alone. To talk about the things that people may relate to but are too scared to voice. To spread art, inspiration, and kindness to everyone who steps foot into our digital space. We are all human, so why not treat each other like ones? 

So, here I am, rebranding this site to help me get where I want to be, and to hopefully help at least one other person out there. 

There are no constraints, there are no limits, not here. 

So, let's get this party started--

As our top (and only) editor here, I'd like to welcome you to 



                                                                                                                                  Thank you for being here-- 



                                                                                                                                    Head editor & blog creator,

                                                                                                                                              - Lee