Good morning readers!
I woke up today feeling good, which for me can be quite rare, so I just wanted to share a bit of my day with you (and hopefully cheer you up if you're feeling blue).
To start off I want to explain to you something that I know I struggle with on a daily basis, and that is: finding the good in the little things. No matter what I tend to do, I always seem to find a way to pick something and turn it into 'it's not good enough'. For example: I walked to go out to eat, but it feels like I did nothing productive or fun today. Or I woke up and got coffee, but I'm still tired and not feeling up to it. I just did my nails, but one of them is bumpy and doesn't look as good as the other hand.
As you can see, I've always been very critical, and a bit of a pessimist about things like this, especially when it comes to me as a person. If something isn't absolutely perfect, well then, it absolutely sucks. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? I hope you get the gist. Anyway, today I woke up and the sun was out. I stayed in bed a little longer, and once I got up, I didn't know what to wear, but for some reason I didn't let it phase me. I threw on a random t-shirt I thrifted a week ago that depicts a funny squirrel and the words 'What does the squirrel say?' (It made me laugh so I had to get it). Then I moseyed on over to the library to print out some notes I needed for class and got there ten minutes before. I talked to one of my friends, and then went to my next class where we did yoga in the sun. It was great.
Usually, I would find an excuse to say that it wasn't good, but I haven't. I've tried to silence that voice and remind myself that it is a good day, even if everything doesn't go perfectly. What I'm trying to say is: don't put so much pressure on your everyday life! Just be and be happy. Sometimes it's a really hard thing to do, but it's worth it. Trust me I'm far from an expert (I'm a depressed college student remember?), but I'm just trying to help others who might feel the same way I do.
Life is hard as it is, so why seek out the negative?
Who knows, but right now I'm feeling pretty good, and I hope you do too.
Lee :)
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I am glad you are finding beauty in little things. Life is beautiful if you pay attention to it.