General Message for the People--
Heyo Folks!
I’m sorry for the brief hiatus everyone, I know I haven’t posted in a hot minute- it’s been pretty hectic in my life as of now. As you know, I’m a college student trying to figure my shit out, but I’m proud to say I officially finished my first year of school! That’s right, yours truly isn’t a freshman anymore (something I’m very excited about haha). It’s been a few weeks since I made it home safe and sound, however, it’s been an adjustment.
Part of me thought it would be a relief to be home, and it is, but I’ve lost a lot of energy/motivation since returning. I think it has something to do with getting used to not having any classes, projects, essays, or work to be doing. The thing is, my mood has been substantially down as well. I don’t think that part has anything to do with getting back from college, it’s probably more to do with my depression, but who knows. With this in mind, I want to start getting on top of my days again. I’ve been sleeping in until noon most mornings, not really doing much of anything other than driving my sisters to their friends and picking them up from school. However, this last week has been eventful!
My best friend and roommate came up to visit me in my small ass town! She rode the train halfway here and I drove down the rest of the way to get her. I know this doesn’t sound like that big of a deal, but to me it meant a lot. I had never driven on a big highway before, so it was an adventure for me. I took my younger sister along for the ride and we drove two and a half hours to pick her up. She stayed for a few days here in town and I showed her everything that we had to offer- from our school, to our local thrift store, we grocery shopping to get food and snacks she could eat, and we even played on my childhood playground. It was a blast, and not to mention we got to go celebrate my late birthday present later that weekend (my birthday’s in January, but my mom got me concert tickets for June). You won’t believe who we got to see- any guesses!? That’s right, Noah Kahan! It was PHENOMENAL! After all of that craziness, I got a job! In the last week and a half I’ve made leaps and bounds, trying new things and accomplishing goals I’ve set for myself.
All of this is good and grand, but it doesn’t mean I’m all healed and better. I still struggle to get out of bed in the mornings, and going to work feels like a bit of a chore (something I know a lot of people experience), but I’m getting there. It’s okay to feel down and out, but we can’t let it stop up our whole life. I mean, for a long time I was terrified of driving anywhere other than my home, but now I’m looking for a car to invest in AND I’ve merged/driven onto a major highway. Fear and depression have ruled my life for a long time, and I do have to remind myself to take it easy every now and then, but I’m trying not to let it hold me back anymore.
With all that said, let's try and keep me accountable for making these posts more often- I’m going to attempt to make at least two blogs a week, if not more, but let's start out small. I’m trying to keep in mind why I started all this in the first place you know? I was struggling and needed something to make me feel like I had a purpose, like I was doing something important with my life. I wanted to help people realize that they aren’t alone in the world, and that it’s okay to feel the way you feel. We’re in this together after all.
Again, I apologize for being absent, I know not many of you were really waiting for me to post again, but I like to think there is someone out there who appreciates these! To make sure I’m posting things that are interesting to you the readers, leave a comment or check out the official Instagram at @leez_life27. If you want to see new blog topics, things I can make a weekly occurrence, message me-- The DM’s are always open and new ideas are always welcome! Feel free to reach out if you have a general question you want to ask me/see answered (all anonymous of course), or if you just need a friend to chat with/even just want to say hi, don’t hesitate! (ALSO HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!!!!!)
Sending all the love–
Lee <3
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