
Published on 25 May 2023 at 14:13

What's best for you? 

Afternoon Peoples, 

As a critical overthinker, I tend to like to know the answers to things. I also really really like the easy, convenient, way out of things. However, it’s starting to come to my attention (being informed of this actually) that life isn’t supposed to be that way. I always thought that my issue with making decisions, always asking others for their opinions, and that constant fear would help me make the right choices- but that’s not true. 

We can’t always know what the right answer is to things, no matter how hard I wish I could. Sometimes you just have to make the decision you think is right for you. If you’re reading today's post, and you happen to also be a people pleaser/critical overthinker, then you are probably rolling your eyes at me. The thing is, I’m with you, I want to roll my eyes at me too! I’ve been trying to change my mindset as of late (part of the reason I’m writing this blog in the first place), and it’s hard. I hear the things I tell other people, reassure them that they need to do what’s best for them, but the minute I have my own problems/decisions to make, I don’t want to take my own advice. It’s really hard to calm that voice inside and tell it to ‘shut the hell up’ (pardon my French). It’s true though, sometimes we really do need to tell ourselves, our brains in particular, to shut up from time to time so that we can hear what our hearts have to say. 

My mom told me something a couple of months ago when I was struggling to decide on what to do for spring break, that I’d like to share with you all. She told me that I need to take a few deep breaths, clear my mind, and listen to my heart. What is it that you really want, what’s the answer that comes to mind after clearing the clutter? She also told me that when everything feels too big, that I need to ask the universe, or whatever you believe in, to help take your burdens away. Ask it to help carry the struggles and confusion you hold, so that you can see what it is you want, and so the weights don’t feel as heavy. Lighten your load by doing what’s best for you- not your mom, or your dad, sister or brother, friends, relatives, teachers, coaches, classmates, bosses or coworkers, and more. Don’t think about what they might want, think about what it is you want. 

I know I’m starting to get a bit repetitive here, so I’ll try and wrap it up for now, but I just want you to understand this one thing- it’s ok to do what you need for you. I’ve struggled with it for so long, still do, but I think all of us ‘people pleasers’ need to take a step back and do what you need for yourself to heal. It’s ok to love yourself, to treat yourself. Stay humble, kind, and loyal, but be true to yourself in the process. 

Thank you for reading today - you’re doing great, sending all the positive vibes- 


Much love, 

 Lee <3

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