
Published on 10 May 2023 at 14:29

Poetry Wednesday- 

Hey there readers!


Something I thought I would never be able to do as a writer, was poetry. I tried it in fifth grade, and I actually got published in a little poetry book, but for some reason I thought I wasn’t any good. I convinced myself that it was terrible, and that I’d never reach those standards to continue writing poetry. So guess what I did? I gave up. Well sort of- You see, last semester I had to take an intro to creative writing course, where we were required to write short stories and poetry of all things. My mental block came back, but this time it didn’t stay. I can proudly say that I quite enjoy writing poetry now and would love to continue to learn and grow. The first of my poems I want to share with you all is entitled 'Standing Tree', which depicts a single tree standing strong through a storm. I wrote it during a particularly hard point in my life about six months ago while in the midst of a very low state. I wanted to capture how I was feeling, and I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I think I did a pretty darn good job. So, considering where I started in my poetry journey, I’m proud of myself. I hope you like it- and don’t forget that even if you don’t think you’re good at something yet, it doesn't mean you won’t ever be good at it, don’t give up. 


Standing Tree,

It feels like a never-ending road,

White hot lightning flashing within the dark violet sky, 

While a single tree stands alone in solitude. 


Fire, wind, rain, it prevails. 


However, a leaf is lost, 

Floating down from the reaching branches,

As it had to grow too fast to keep going. 


Fire, wind, rain, it prevails.


As the clouds part, 

A brilliant sun rises far East, 

While a single tree stands alone in solitude. 


The storm has passed, it prevailed, 

While a few more leaves have gone missing. 


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2 years ago

Beautiful poem! I can see how you prevailed.