Birthday Wishes

Published on 8 January 2024 at 11:00

The Day of Birth,

Your day to celebrate!



Guess what today is!?



I never make a big deal of my birthday, because I’ve never really liked all the attention on me- but this year that changes. I’m not going to be the kind of person who wears head to toe in birthday gear, and shouting it from the rooftops, but there’s also nothing wrong with that! It’s your day, the day that’s meant to be all about you! 


When I was younger, I would do this thing where I would never tell anyone it was my birthday. I would get sad that no one knew what day it was, but that makes sense because I never told them! I can’t expect anyone to wish me a happy birthday if I didn’t even tell them it was my birthday!! 


I’ve always had expectations in my life, never communicating my opinions or wants, and then when they wouldn’t meet my expectations, I would be let down when it didn’t turn out. I think I always thought it was ‘selfish’ to make the day all about me, but at the end of the day it’s quite literally YOUR day, so you’re allowed to be excited about it and want to share it with others! It’s ok to communicate what you want and how you feel, don’t let yourself slide into the shadows and then be let down. The day is what you make of it! 


Today I’m not home, well I am going to be, but I was house sitting. Now I’m heading home to have a nice lunch with my mom, and then chill out there until my sisters get home. After that we are going to get a birthday dinner and spend some nice time together! It’s a Monday, so there is only so much we can do, but I’m finding myself still excited and happy to have this day at all. For a long time, I struggled and didn’t really see my life past my teen years. I just couldn’t see how I was going to make it any further, but here I am- twenty years old and still kicking! That’s why I want to celebrate. Earlier I was down about the approaching day, but my mom told me something that helped me realize that today is what I make of it, and that if I want it to be a good day- I have to communicate what I want, and to be happy with how I look at it. 


So, with everything I’ve been through, and the things I’m currently sad about, I’m going to take today for myself and do what will make me happy. I’m talking with friends, I’m watching some YouTube videos that make me laugh, I’m going to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner, and I’m going to hang out with my sisters. To me, that’s a great day. And then, this coming weekend, I’m going to treat myself! I’m going to celebrate with a bit more of a party and relax at home. 


With everything in mind, I’m going to wish myself a happy birthday, and remind myself how thankful I am to even be here. 


To little me, who thought she wouldn’t see this day- 




Much Love, 

And the best of wishes, 

Lee <3

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